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Cold and Hot Aisle Containment

Aisle containment with curtains and/or solid panels

The ideal solution for optimal cooling in data centres: cold and hot aisle containment

Daxten has the most extensive portfolio of cold and hot aisle containment solutions for data centres available on the market today. Our modular CoolControl containment systems can be easily, cost-effectively and quickly integrated into every data centre environment or even retrofitted after-the-fact. Our soft curtain or solid panel containment systems can also be easily and seamlessly integrated for heterogeneous rack structures of different sizes and installation heights or for data centres with disjointed architecture. The modular structure lets you choose whether you want to install a soft, solid or hybrid (combination of a soft containment curtain and solid panels) containment form. The containment design can, of course, be changed at any time, even after-the-fact, to protect your investment and give you maximum functional efficiency.