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Packet Power Wireless Gateway

A single Packet Power Wireless Gateway supports up to 100 monitoring points

Makes monitoring accessible over your data network

The Packet Power Wireless Gateway collects monitoring data from Packet Power wireless monitoring devices and Wireless Network Connectors and makes it accessible to your DCIM or BMS using standard protocols such as SNMP, Modbus, EtherNet/IP and MTConnect.Gateways also integrate with Packet Power EMX Energy Portal monitoring software. Every location with a Packet Power wireless monitoring network needs at least one gateway. A single gateway can support up to 100 monitoring points. As the size of the network grows, gateways can be easily added to maintain suitable network performance and provide redundancy.

packet power wireless network


Packet Power Wireless Gateway highlights:

  • Collects all power and environmental monitoring data from Packet Power wireless monitors and Wireless Network Connectors
  • Securely transmits data via standard protocols to existing BMS or DCIM systems
  • No data transmission and storage outside of the company network
  • Each gateway uses only 1 IP address
  • Includes mounting bracket and DIN clip
  • Provides a sophisticated panel circuit mapping tool
  • Facilitates wireless firmware upgrades to all Packet Power monitoring devices
  • “Master” capability simplifies integration in multi-gateway installations by making all data accessible from one gateway
  • Offers extensive web-based management console capabilities